Thursday, October 23, 2008


Happy Birthday darling Tan! My oh my, time flies. It's your 20th already, oldy. See that recent picture of you, you look way younger! To me .. Short hair brings out the youth in you. :p You are still real pretty with your current hair. Hee.. That's my favourite picture of you. :)

Here's the thing you see. I had the sudden inspiration to update my blog on this big day of yours. My itchy fingers just had to take me to Aileen's page FIRST, to see what she came out about you this year. It turned out she wrote a whole long ESSAY. Dammit! Now now, I can't be beating no law students' essay, can I? =/

I'm left with the following (catch phrase) .. which can only sound more than the TRUTH:
You are my perfect piece of gem.
You are my marvelous superwoman.
You are my greatest asset.


T^W^O years is still not something to boasts about but I have you assured that my hands will be there at your semi-dark hours. With your sort of character, there will never be A dark hour :) You are my confidante. Does this mean that I confide in you? Yes.
A friend which can never be replaced, yes you are.
A love one that will never be a tick away to whisper into my ears the sweetest things one could possibly say.

I thank you love. It's been awhile since I last hold you. This is also the first time I am far away from you on your BIG DAY. I miss you and it won't be long till the broken puzzle be fix again!

From my heart and soul. A tale of two <3 .. I hope you enjoy this.

Happy 20th Birthday, darling! Have it an awesome one there alright.

PS: Ima no bimbo :P Yaaouwwh.


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